The Lodge of St Germain No 566
Useful links
Useful links
Local lodges in particular
Local lodges in particular
York Lodge 236 (our Mother lodge)
Aire and Calder Lodge 458 (Goole)
St Cuthbert's Lodge 630 (Howden)
Eboracum Lodge 1611 (York)
Agricola Lodge 1991 (York)
Albert Victor Lodge 2328 (York)
Calcaria Lodge 2677 (Wetherby)
Thesaurus Lodge 3891 (Hull)
Beacon Lodge 4362 (Pocklington)
Minster Lodge 4663 (York)
Alcuin Lodge 6300 (York)
Old Peterite Lodge 6412 (York)
Mitre Lodge of York 7321 (York)
Tateshall Lodge 7645 (Pontefract)
Francis Drake of York Lodge 7825 (York)
St Saviour Lodge of Installed Masters 8433 (York)
Vale of York Lodge of Advancement 9489
Invictus Lodge 9600 (York)